Design Ads Magazine

Design Ads Magazine

Design Ads Magazine featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.


Hou Juice

Pagoda Fruit Co., Ltd. is one the largest fruit retailer in China. The main icon of Pagoda Fruit is a Dancing Monkey. Because monkey is very often deified in Chinese traditional culture, the figure is use in many occasions. When Leng Chen design this series of drinks, Leng Chen want to create a monkey figure that is not that common in China. Leng Chen contacted his Polish artist friend - Anna to cooperate in this project. The design idea was to deliver happy & fun feeling in the product, and that is what Leng Chen presented in the final design, a group of monkeys dancing in a jungle party.

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The Moment

The Moment Calendar was inspired by the ancient wisdom of Chinese Solar Terms and Ecclesiastes in Bible, which aim to express the reflection of impetuous society and remind people to know the season and to enjoy the moment. Therefore, there is a new design expression to present the past, now and future. Month is printed in the center of the page while date is shown on a gradient arc. Dates and arcs rotate clockwise around the center and fade away due to the translucent paper, which poetically draws a picture: the eternity of time is a series of the present moments. So, let’s enjoy The Moment.

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The packaging for start-up company shows off these healthy fruit and vegetable chips bare-naked goodness philosophy and playful humor. Their point of difference is that they are made from fruit and vegetable slices, air-dried, with nothing added whatsoever – hence the 'bare-naked' concept. Although black is a bold and unconventional choice for the healthy snack market, the agency chose this to show the product's vibrancy and give it extra shelf shout. The photography captures the product before and after air-drying illustrating the fruit is as good as nature intended.

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2019 NPCCD Deck

The narrative of exploring the palace centers on a discovery challenge labeled on the side to "unlock the gate”. The choice to create earned moments in a puzzle format for the user were key to the brand's strategy of creating emotional connections with the user. The packaging is designed to reward users with discovery moments of differing magnitude, directly correlated with their effort towards the experience and brand. The user goes on a journey through different stages, rewarding the most invested customers with the finale, a genuine moment of magic.

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This wine design is a classic piece with a renewed treatment, which captures the meaning of the name. Large embossed drop cap letters build the delicate and sensory label surface, almost sculpted on paper. The graphic universe of the codex books is very rich in elements and allowed to build the different pieces of the bottle, from the capsule to the outer packaging. For the latter, a great illustration describes the vintage and the elements of the family heraldic shield, in a classic and colorful narrative, covering the piece that is gradually discovered by the user.

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ZhuZi Art

A series of book editions for the collected works of traditional Chinese calligraphy and painting is published by Nanjing Zhuzi Art Museum. With its long history and elegant technique, the traditional Chinese paintings and calligraphy are treasured for their highly artistic and practical appeal. When designing the collection, abstract shapes, colors, and lines were used to create a consistent sensuality and highlight the blank space in the sketch. The effortless coincides with artists in traditional painting and calligraphy styles.

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